Category: Palate Knife Oil Painting

Glorious Messenger 0

Glorious Messenger

Glorious Messenger is a Christmas painting inspired by Luke 2:8-10 I just finished. In the passage, the shepherd’s encounter with an angel from the Lord is recorded and leaves the reader with a sense of awe and wonder. It made me curious. The only description we have is that the angel is described as suddenly appearing to them and because the glory of the Lord filled the area with light, they were terrified. What would that look like? What would it have felt like to witness this? This painting is not intended to answer these questions definitively but is my...

Glads, Gladiolas, art, oil, Cheryl White, Artist, Blogger, Paintonmywalls, 0


Gladiolas are one of my favorite flowers. They have always seemed very brave flowers to me and I like that their name has the word glad in it because that’s how I felt when I finished this painting. This one was done with oil paint and a palette knife with very quick strokes and thick paint. Since none of these are blooming where I live now, I thought this was a perfect time to post it. Enjoy! Gladiolas, October 2021, Oil on Canvas with palette knife, 15″ x 30 ” $200.00 This one is available for sale should you need...