Healed and Restored, Oil on Canvas, 36" x 24"Cheryl White, Artist, Blogger, Paintonmywalls, 0

A Woman Healed and Restored

This narrative about a woman healed and restored is recorded in three out of the four gospels and this one from Mark 5:24-34 inspired this painting. I loved this woman’s faith and the fact that although there were crowds around Jesus, she found a way to get to him just to touch his cloak. 27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” And she was! But there’s more! When Jesus realized that power had gone out...


Wine and Grapes Plein Air Painting at Grapefest 2024

I spent the last two days doing plein air painting (painting outdoors) at Grapefest in Grapevine. The Plein Air Painters were hosted by Holder Dane Gallery in Grapevine through ArtNexus. While it was nice to use my new plein air easel and test out my system, the best part of the experience was interacting with the humans. So many different humans, conversations with humans, and interesting interactions. Some people just wanted to watch me paint, one woman sat on the grass and just silently watched and smiled without saying a word. The most curious were the children and the adults...

Split Rock Lighthouse, painting, paintonmywalls, oil painting, cherylwhiteart, art, 1

Celebrating Color, Life and Light with a painting of Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, Minnesota

This is a very famous lighthouse that has been photographed many times, but the reference photo for this painting was taken by the husband of one of my dear friends. I’ve actually been to this place during my many Minnesota summers and loved how he captured it. It returned the memories of the lighter cool air, sounds of seagulls, and vivid blue sky and I was a child again on the rocky shore of Lake Superior. Here’s the photo below taken by Dave Hudspith. He was a faithful follower of Jesus and a loving husband, father, and friend to many...

Pink Blooms Header, Cheryl White Art, Oil painting, paintonmywalls, flowers, blooms 0

Pink Blooms Painting in a Gold Frame

Celebrating Color, Light, and Life with this fun flower bloom painting. Done in oil on a 14″x14″ canvas and framed in a d 17×17″ frame, this delight makes my soul sing! Thick layers of impasto strokes create rich textured blooms with pops of light color notes and dark centers.


Bird Song Handmade Art

A bird does not sing because it has an answer…It sings because it has a song! The truth in this statement inspired me. I was doing art together with a friend one afternoon when she came across it. Instantly, I loved it and we both added it to the homemade cards we were making. We were using these sweet birds cut out of dyed hymn book pages. I promise I purchased the Hymnbook from a used bookstore. I didn’t just find it from a church. I love using pages from that book because the old thirsty paper soaks in the...

Provision 1, Header, Paint On My Walls, Cheryl White Art 0

A Provision Painting and a Prayer

Provision 1 – The Beginning This post is the story of how a painting blessed two families and was an answer to prayer. About 14 years ago, I painted Provision I in acrylic on a large canvas. It was inspired by the story from Matthew 14:13-21 where Jesus took two fish and five loaves and fed 5,000 people. This passage was very precious to me at the time because our family was going through a very tough financial period which God used to show us that He not only was Provider for the people in Jesus’s day, but he was...

cropped Woman Where are your accusers painting 0

How do you paint forgiveness?

How do you paint forgiveness? It’s easier to show you than to tell you. These two new oil paintings inspired by extended and received mercy and love modeled in the Bible are my attempt to paint forgiveness. What is forgiveness? When I began the process of painting forgiveness, the foundation of forgiveness taught in Scripture was key. The Bible reveals that God’s idea of forgiveness is unselfish love. 1 Corinthians 13:5 describes this kind of love with the language, “it keeps no record of wrongs.” If we endeavor to practice this kind of forgiveness with others, it means letting go...


Praying for Jerusalem

I thought this recent commission from a friend was worth sharing. I usually paint nature and landscapes, so when this request came in, I was challenged by it in more ways than one. She wanted a very small painting of Jerusalem, and the reason she wanted it, was so she could hang it in her office and be reminded to pray for the people in Jerusalem and the entire city regularly. Who could say no to that? Here’s the painting! Prayer for Jerusalem Painting, Oil on Canvas, 6″ x 12″ And here is a prayer… I found this prayer from...

paint, oil paint, paint on my walls, cheryl white art, oil painting, Monet's Springtime 0

A Study of Springtime by Claude Monet

Completing studies of paintings from favorite master artists is an excellent practice. I have not done this for several years but is such a wonderful exercise. I plan on doing more of these soon. The benefit of doing this every so often is that the artist has already set the composition and chosen the subject matter which are very time-consuming steps. I try to follow that as closely as possible when I do a study and imitate the same color palette as much as I can. Then, I let go and have fun. It’s not important to stress over every...


Inspiration from Psalm 23:1 for Grazing Sheep Painting

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:1-3 David was a shepherd. As a boy, he cared for sheep and kept them safe, fed, sheltered, and together. He led them where he knew fresh grass and water would be and fought off their enemies for them. When they were injured he cared for them. When they were lost, he found them. However, years...

Sunset Painting, Paintonmywalls, cherylwhiteart, oil, oil painting, sunset 0

Turtle Lake Sunset

Inspiration Turtle Lake Sunset was one of my favorite paintings in this series so far. I loved celebrating the beauty and color of nature during this journey. The inspiration for this painting came from this photo. We were on a long evening boat ride and witnessed this stunning sunset. I just took this photo with my iPhone and couldn’t believe how well it turned out. who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples, so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs. You...