Woman At the Well

The Woman At the Well narrative is one of my favorites. It inspired this piece done with oil and a palette knife. It is on my business cards and my blog header and screensaver on my computer because it reminds me that I was once just like this woman in need of living water.

Woman at the well, oil on canvas with palette knife, paintonmywalls, Cheryl White Art
Woman and the Well, Oil on Canvas with Palette Knife, 24″ x 36″

I love celebrating the life I have been given so this is a precious theme to me. There is another piece in this same theme named, “Healed and Restored” on the Art for Sale page that is the same size.

In this painting, the figure of Jesus is the tallest red figure with arms of living water, symbolizing that He was destined to shed his blood to cover our sin and give us new life. The woman is bowed and dropping her water jug. One of the swirling arms of living water is lifting her head illustrating that He not only covered her sin, but redeemed her from her shame. The Chosen produced a beautiful scene of the Woman at the Well encounter that is extremely powerful if you have not seen it. It is not a spoiler for the rest of the series and very well done.

I’ll never sell this painting. I painted it for me. However, I’m sharing it as a phone or desktop wallpaper with my blog subscribers. If you don’t know how to subscribe, just reply and message me and I can get the wallpaper to you, but subscribing gets it to you automatically. Enjoy!

Cheryl White

I feel deeply loved by God. Grateful for the life and gifts He has given me, I squeeze joy out of oil paint tubes and spread it in layers of color, light and life on canvas. I also like zinnias, the sun and all things French. Artist at CherylWhiteArt.com

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