A Woman Healed and Restored

This narrative about a woman healed and restored is recorded in three out of the four gospels and this one from Mark 5:24-34 inspired this painting. I loved this woman’s faith and the fact that although there were crowds around Jesus, she found a way to get to him just to touch his cloak.
27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”
And she was! But there’s more!

When Jesus realized that power had gone out from him He sought her out.
He had something more for her than just physical healing. He called her and she came forth and fell down worshiping Him. He not only healed her, He redeemed her. He called her daughter and blessed her. What a compassionate loving moment.
The swirls of color reaching out in this exchange of new life glow with light, as power flowed from Jesus to the woman. Contrasted with the darkness around them and the watching bystanders, Jesus and the Woman stand out as the two main characters in the scene in a beautiful exchange of giving and receiving Healing and restoration.
For a true story of a healed and restored woman who inspired another painting of Luke’s Gospel, by Iain Campbell click here . Enjoy.