Five Loaves and Two Fish

Five Loaves and Two Fish and the miracle of the feeding of 5,000 is a powerful narrative. After a day of healing and ministering to large numbers of people in a desolate place, Jesus performs a miracle with a young boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fish. I’ve painted this scene many times and every time I do it, it is a bit different.

My favorite verse out of the Matthew 14:13-21 passage is verse 20 “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” I love what is revealed about the character of God and how it challenges us to stretch our faith to believe that God truly desires to and does provide abundantly. There were leftovers!
If this story is new or unfamiliar to you, I encourage you to read it on your own and expose your heart to this narrative. One way my family has absolutely loved engaging with this story is by watching The Chosen. The producer/writer of this show Dallas Jenkins has his own loaves to fishes story as well and it is pretty incredible. Enjoy!
Whenever in life I have chosen not to lean on my own understanding, God abundantly provides. Through moves, changes, losses, sacrifices, when all seemed impossible, there has always been more than enough for every need when I trusted Him. This painting is a visual reminder that I truly cannot out-give God and He is an abundant provider.
These are incredible! I’d like to be on the email list please. Also, do you sell your work?
Hello Kristen, Thank you for your comment! Yes. I do sell my work and have some paintings available on this page but if you see something I have already sold here I can do one that is similar. Most of them price out between $50.00 and $70.00 per square foot.