Reflections On Lake Grapevine Oil Painting

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Reflections On Lake Grapevine Oil Painting

Reflections On Lake Grapevine Oil Painting
Reflections On Lake Grapevine Oil Painting

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Reflections On Lake Grapevine Oil Painting

Model Number: ReflectionsOnLakeGrapevinePainting001
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Your Price: $400.00
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Categories: Seascapes
Manufacturer: Cheryl White Art
  • Description

In this painting, I celebrate the sun sparkling on the water and these colorful boats! What attracted me to the image at first was the difference between the straight masts and their wiggly reflections. I knew I wanted those reflections of the masts to dance on the water.

This painting is done in oil with a palette knife on a 12"x24" canvas and is already framed.