Healed and Restored Oil Painting

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Healed and Restored Oil Painting

Healed and Restored Oil Painting
Healed and Restored Oil Painting

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Healed and Restored Oil Painting

Model Number: HealedandRestored001
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Your Price: $500.00
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Manufacturer: Cheryl White Art
  • Description

This narrative about a woman healed and restored is recorded in three out of the four gospels and this one from Mark 5:24-34 inspired this painting. I loved this woman’s faith and the fact that although there were crowds around Jesus, she found a way to get to him just to touch his cloak.

27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

The painting is done in oil with a palette knife on a 24"x36" Gallery-wrapped canvas with the edges painted, so there is no need for framing.