Sweet Lavender Field Painting

One of my favorite crops to see growing in a field is lavender! The purple fluffy rows of bushy blooming herbs fill my heart with happiness. The herb gets its name from the Latin root lavare, which means “to wash.” This makes sense as it is so useful in a hot bath for soaking aching muscles and relaxing. While reading more about lavender, I also learned that it is a common remedy for insomnia and a balm for anxiety, depression, and fatigue. What could be sweeter than French Lavender? How about a small painting covered in thick brush strokes of blue and purple oil paint laying out a field under a hazy cool sky? I just loved doing this little painting and haven’t posted in a while so it’s time for its debut!

Sweet Lavender Field, oil on canvas board, 8″x10″. $55.00
What works for me in this painting is the sun-soaked yellow grass next to the bold purple lavender. Yellow is also the complementary color to purple so it adds a lot of “pop” to have them next to each other. It is done on a small 8×10-inch canvas board and was just a quick study. My plan is to do a much larger one like this when I have more time. This is just the appetizer, but for now, though, “Sweet Lavender Field” gets the spotlight.
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