Look at the birds

Look at the birds
Look at the birds of the air and learn to rest in the truth that we have a good good Father. Do you ever do that? I do. I am in awe of how they have everything they need and are completely dependent on God for providing their needs. I’ve never seen a bird have an anxiety attack, have you?.. or freak out because another bird is flying too fast. They don’t compare themselves to one another, to see who has the best nest or finest feathers.
Why do we worry over so many things?
I’m encouraged by looking at this little bird to remember why we don’t need to worry about these things.
A bird painting for my sister
This sweet bird painting was done for my sister and I’m reposting it again in honor of her birthday. Inspired by Matthew 6:25-14 this painting calms my soul and reminds me to rest and trust and to keep singing the song God gave me to sing.

Inspiration to Sing
Some of us sing with our voices.
Some with words or kindness.
I sing with paint.
What if we sang by trusting, by choosing to let go of the control we think we have over our lives and others’ lives and just rested in the fact that God is in control?
What if our lives became a song to the One who created us and provides for us abundantly?
What would that song sound like? I don’t think it would sound like honking car horns in anger and blowing up in fits of temper when things don’t go our way or raised yelling voices or demands because we are trapped in fear… no… I think it would be almost silent and humble, yet full of contentment and joy.
I don’t know about you all, but that is the song I want to sing.