Wine and Grapes Plein Air Painting at Grapefest 2024

I spent the last two days doing plein air painting (painting outdoors) at Grapefest in Grapevine. The Plein Air Painters were hosted by Holder Dane Gallery in Grapevine through ArtNexus.

While it was nice to use my new plein air easel and test out my system, the best part of the experience was interacting with the humans. So many different humans, conversations with humans, and interesting interactions. Some people just wanted to watch me paint, one woman sat on the grass and just silently watched and smiled without saying a word. The most curious were the children and the adults who had already been to a few too many wine tastings. Each conversation was another connection with someone I had never met before and most likely would never meet again, but they each mattered. I think there is something holy and beautiful about taking the time to connect with strangers. Each one was a rare opportunity to share some joy, learn something new, or even sell a painting or two.

Overall, it has been a great two days and I finish up tomorrow. I also have to say I’ll be back. I have never been treated better as a guest at an event. My every need was taken care of with access to bathrooms, a breakroom, food, golf carts to transport me and my gear, and just a general attitude of helpfulness from the volunteers working the event. This was an excellent experience. The paintings above are my celebration of Grapefest and all the variety it brought.