Lily Pads on Turtle Lake

Lily Pads on Turtle Lake Inspiration
Turtle Lake is in Northern Minnesota and summer visits there always include lots of fishing. This photo below is of one of our friend’s favorite fishing spots. Its shady bank is a haven for fish and the water’s surface is littered with lily pads. I didn’t catch fish, but I did catch the perfect inspiration for a lovely lily pad painting.

For the actual painting, I zoomed in to just focus on the lily pads for this one. This is done on an 11″ by 14″ canvas board. The palette included Blue Grey, Ultramarine Blue, Rose Red, Burnt Umber, Titanium White, Veridian, Yellow Green, Hansa Yellow, and Cadmium Yellow Hue.

Lily Pads on Turtle Lake Process
My process starts with mixing the darkest paint first and laying that layer down very thin, As I build color, each layer I add gets thicker. I begin painting with a bristle brush and toward the end of the painting am applying the paint with a palette knife. Enjoy this video of the process below and I hope you catch a little inspiration for yourself as well.
Lily Pads on Turtle Lake Painting
Here is the end result. Check out my Art for Sale page for more available artwork and contact me if you are interested in buying this one.