Reflections on Lake Grapevine

Oil paint, boats, Lake Grapevine, paintonmywalls, cherylwhiteart

When I saw this photo I had to celebrate the sun sparkling on the water and these boats with a painting! What attracted me to the image at first was the difference between the straight masts and their wiggly reflections. I knew I wanted those reflections of the masts to dance on the water. The row of boats tied to the dock were begging for the oil with a palette knife style I have learned from my art teacher and mentor, Dominique Galleron. If you are ever in Grapevine, check out her “A Touch of Paris” gallery and studio. I loved painting this at Dominique’s studio so much today. She’s an amazing artist and person.

Boats on Lake Grapevine photo

I was searching for free reference photos of boats on Lake Grapevine online when I found one of some boats docked at Silver Lake Marina.

I grew up boating on Lake Grapevine with my Mom, Dad, and sister. I’ve always loved the water and learned to swim from a very young age thanks to swim lessons at the YMCA, Briar Lake, and Camp Rocky Point on Lake Texoma. My Mom and Dad are gone now and we don’t have that boat anymore, but every time I drive by Lake Grapevine, the memories bubble to the surface and I soak them in.

I remember looking straight up in the blue sky, the sun shining on my tanned skin and just floating in the cold water of the lake. Summer days spent out on the lake were actually one of the few times when our whole family was happy and I felt free. It was like the water melted the stress and frustrations burdening our family at the time and what was left was just joy. I soaked in those happy memories today as I painted this.

Soaking is actually something I do a lot when painting. It’s just a way of thinking about life giving things and being thankful for them. I think about the feelings the subject brings out and what I am celebrating as I paint it. Painting is always a celebration as far as I’m concerned and this was no exception. What do you soak in? Is it positive? Is it Life-giving? Is it something you can savor that bathes your heart in thankfulness? If you have those things, you are blessed. You too have something to celebrate and treasure in your heart. These soaking times are an opportunity for me to acknowledge God and recognize that He is indeed good and delights in giving gifts to His children. James 1:17 reminds me to be thankful for everything from the memories to the painting supplies and the hands He gave me to make beautiful things with. This is called gratitude and this is the place in my heart where my paintings come from. Enjoy a little soaking today as you look at this.

oil painting, boats, lake grapevine, oil paint, art, paintonmywalls, cherylwhiteart
Reflections on Lake Grapevine, Oil with Palette Knife on Canvas, 12×24″ $400.00

Cheryl White

I feel deeply loved by God. Grateful for the life and gifts He has given me, I squeeze joy out of oil paint tubes and spread it in layers of color, light and life on canvas. I also like zinnias, the sun and all things French. Artist at

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