Celebrating Color, Life and Light with a painting of Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, Minnesota

This is a very famous lighthouse that has been photographed many times, but the reference photo for this painting was taken by the husband of one of my dear friends. I’ve actually been to this place during my many Minnesota summers and loved how he captured it. It returned the memories of the lighter cool air, sounds of seagulls, and vivid blue sky and I was a child again on the rocky shore of Lake Superior.
Here’s the photo below taken by Dave Hudspith. He was a faithful follower of Jesus and a loving husband, father, and friend to many and has since gone to be present with the Lord. Appreciating the beautiful photos he left behind is just one small way of remembering him and giving God the glory for the gifts He bestowed in Dave.

During his Celebration of Life Service, I saw this photo and many others that he had taken. He was an excellent photographer. I was amazed by the photographs and also how everything about his service was grace-filled and celebratory of the life He lived for God. It was very different from any service I had ever witnessed.
When I saw this photo, I knew I had to paint it and give this painting to my friend. I appreciated the message of the lighthouse in the photo and how it is steady and firmly established on the edge of the cliff immovable and sure. Such a comfort in a time of loss when life feels unsteady, unsure, and out of our control.
None of us like the idea of death and many fear the pain of losing a loved one, but we will all experience it. The losses we experience and watch others experience around us bring so much pain and a feeling of being out of control that is so uncomfortable. Death is God’s final answer to man’s desire for control. He gives life and He takes it. No matter how we feel about that statement, it is true. We are fragile. He is strong. We are dependent on Him for our every breath. He is good. We are unsure and unsteady and God is like that lighthouse.
He says in Isaiah 41:10, Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
He is always there for us in our time of need and never waivers. He never promised we would not have sorrow or loss in this life, but He did say that He would be with us in the midst of it. I have found that to be true in my life as well. Painting this lighthouse was actually an act of worship of the God who I have found to be my always and enough.

While I was painting this, I thought about life and death and how little control we actually have about when we are born and when we die. I used to think my life was mine and I wrestled for control of everything. I considered life, my family, and my possessions as things I possessed… and if I possessed them, I had a right to control them… but now I think differently. I believe life, however long or short, is a gift from God that I just borrow for a while. It’s not mine, but it’s something I’m supposed to steward unto Him. Every moment I’m still here on this side of heaven is a gift from the Lord, so I want to celebrate it. It’s a daily choice I make to celebrate color, light, and life, in my relationships, my art business, and in this painting of Dave’s lighthouse. Enjoy!
I love this!! I think it’s my favorite!!