Bird Song Handmade Art

A bird does not sing because it has an answer…It sings because it has a song! The truth in this statement inspired me. I was doing art together with a friend one afternoon when she came across it. Instantly, I loved it and we both added it to the homemade cards we were making. We were using these sweet birds cut out of dyed hymn book pages. I promise I purchased the Hymnbook from a used bookstore. I didn’t just find it from a church. I love using pages from that book because the old thirsty paper soaks in the ink so well.

Birds and pens and glue in hand, we began to create our cards. They were a delight. I thought about the saying… How often do I want to just give an answer and why? To debate? To argue? To be right? To talk someone into my idea of what is right? No thanks. Instead, I would much rather use my voice to express the truth inside me… to share a song… hopefully a beautiful one. I’m not a singer, but I can sing with color, light, and life and let my art be my song. Here’s the result. Ten sweet 5×7″ handmade cards, ready for my next art show, or friend who needs the reminder that they too have a song to sing.

The process of creating this cards was also a reminder to me that even when I don’t have the answers I think I need, I do have a song. It’s a song of rest, of renewal and trust that Matthew 6:26-27 is true.

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

I’m challenged by the birds. They don’t have all the answers about where their next meal will come from. How many seeds will they find to eat tomorrow? Where will they shelter in the next storm? We really are asking the same questions arn’t we? Will I be okay? Will I survive, thrive or flourish? God cares for their every need. They don’t have answers and they sing. I think my life would be a lot less stressful if I lived life a bit more like that.

More inspiration with hymnbook pages can be found in my Hope and A Prayer Post and in my 5 Steps to Creating A Hymnbook Collage post.

Cheryl White

I feel deeply loved by God. Grateful for the life and gifts He has given me, I squeeze joy out of oil paint tubes and spread it in layers of color, light and life on canvas. I also like zinnias, the sun and all things French. Artist at

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